How To Insert A Calendar In A Post ?
How do you display a series of dates? How do you insert a series of dates in a post? Can you take advantage of a series of dates to render your post visually more attractive?
Actually there are 2 methods of presenting a list of dates.
You can either list dates :
- September 25, 2014
- September 30, 2014
- October 2, 2014
- October 11, 2014
or use the free ProBloggerTricks javascript calendar and display the same list of dates as customized calendars :
How To Insert The ProBloggerTricks Javascript Calendar In A Post ?
1) Add A Link To The Calendar Stylesheet:
To do that you have to go to 'Template', 'edit HTML', locate the '<b:skin>' tag and past the following lines before it:<!-- ################# Stylesheet for probloggertricks calendar##################### -->
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
2) Add A Link To The Calendar Script :
- Go to Template
- Edit HTML
- locate the </b:skin> tag
- paste the following line after it (and before </head> tag):
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
3) Add The Calendar To Your Post :
- Edit your post and switch to the html view
- Past the following code where you want your calendar to be displayed:
<div id="my_calendar" style="clear: both; float: left; margin-left: 150px; width: 230px;"></div>
var myCalendar = new Calendar() ;
myCalendar.myName = "myCalendar" ;
myCalendar.parentElement = "my_calendar" ;
myCalendar.loadCurrentDate(2014,9,1) ;
myCalendar.changeStyle("blue") ;
myCalendar.allowMonthChange("yes") ;
myCalendar.addDateToHighlight(2014,9,25) ;
myCalendar.addDateToHighlight(2014,9,30) ;
myCalendar.addDateToHighlight(2014,10,2) ;
myCalendar.addDateToHighlight(2014,10,11) ;
myCalendar.display() ;
<div style="clear: both;">
Here is the result:
Let's review the code which is actually simple to customize:
<div id="my_calendar" style="clear: both; float: left; margin-left: 150px; width: 230px;"></div>
The first line is a simple 'placeholder'. The script will attach the calendar to it. If you want to move it to the left, reduce the margin-left. To move towards the right, increase it.var myCalendar = new Calendar() ;
myCalendar.myName = "myCalendar" ;
myCalendar.parentElement = "my_calendar" ;
The next three lines should not be modified unless you changed the id of the 'placeholder'. In this case you must update the
with the actual id of the 'placeholder'.myCalendar.loadCurrentDate(2014,9,1) ;
This line specifies the month to display. Replace the year (2014) and the month (9) with the year / month you want to show.
myCalendar.changeStyle("blue") ;
This is where you select the style of the calendar. You have to choose between 3 colors: red, blue, green.
myCalendar.allowMonthChange("yes") ;
This command tells the script to display buttons to allow user to change the month displayed. If you want a static calendar (the month displayed cannot be changed), replace
with no
.myCalendar.addDateToHighlight(2014,9,25) ;
myCalendar.addDateToHighlight(2014,9,30) ;
myCalendar.addDateToHighlight(2014,10,2) ;
myCalendar.addDateToHighlight(2014,10,11) ;
command is used to define the list of dates to highlight. There are 3 parameters : year, month, day. There is no limit on the number of highlighted dates.myCalendar.display() ;
Once all the parameters have been defined, just tell the script to display the calendar using the command
.Good luck.
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